Programs by Age
Montrose Child Care Center provides developmentally appropriate programs in a warm and nurturing environment that will encourage positive self-esteem and individuality. We provide experiences that will enable each child to develop a sense of themselves and to interact with other children and caring adults. Carefully planned activities give each child an opportunity to discover skills, talents and their individual abilities.

Curriculum & Learning Programs
We use The Creative Curriculum® which provides theory, research, and best practices for providing responsive teaching and caring for very young children. This rich collection of resources helps our teacher’s put knowledge into practice and foster children’s learning and growth.
The Creative Curriculum® is a research-based curriculum designed to help teachers implement developmentally appropriate practices and offer responsive daily routines and meaningful experiences that nurture learning and development.
Developmental Areas
The objectives are organized into nine areas of development and learning. Four of these areas focus on child development: social-emotional, cognitive, physical, and language. It is these areas and their related objectives in which teachers and caregivers are likely to see the most growth and progress with the children in their care.
Content Areas
The remaining five areas focus on content learning, which has its roots even in these younger years. The five content areas include literacy, mathematics, science & technology, social studies and the arts. While some of these skills are ones that children will begin acquiring in preschool, teachers can support content learning from infancy by creating a language rich environment; building trusting relationships; and individualizing the experiences that they provide throughout the day on the basis of children’s strengths, needs, and interests.
At MCC, each program helps children master age-appropriate tasks at each stage of individual development. Emotional, social, physical and cognitive activities are integrated into all aspects of the program. These activities reflect the broad range of growth and development among the children.
Throughout the year, the curriculum introduces children to logical thinking, problem solving, information gathering and acquisition of a body of common knowledge. School readiness skills are acquired through exposure to numbers, letters, categories, size, shapes, sequence, identification of objects, cause and effect, seasons, etc. Teachers follow the lead of the children's expressed interests. Exposure to a variety of experiences prepares children for their next school experience.
Enrichment programs are provided for all age groups at the center. They include, but are not limited to: Music & movement, karate, the naturalist, petting zoo, yoga, visits from the children's librarian, class trips, and many more special days throughout the school year. The staff at Montrose Child Care strives to provide a program that is interesting and challenging for the children, while also meeting the developmental needs of each age group.
Play and spontaneous exploration are fundamental to childhood and essential to learning. At Montrose Child Care, children are given the time and opportunity for many different ways to play. Much of what happens in daily life at an early care and education center provides the context for first learning experiences: hellos and good-byes, eating, resting, keeping clean and comfortable, enjoying nature, being with friends, coping with emotional experiences, taking turns, and respecting others.